Thursday 25 April 2013


Some examples of my photoshop work:

(This is a great photoshop community: Photoshop Community)

What a package for the creative multimedia industry professional. Even if you are just slightly adjusting an image to creating strange sea monsters like mine here it is a great resourse.

This is the ultimate package for combining multiple images in to one collage that can give you the most professional look even for something as small as a cover of your own scrap book. Check out this one that I did as a tutorial. See my result:
Photoshop is simply the best tool for image minipulation in the creative multi media industry.

Search Engines

Search Engines

For development of web aplictions and testing them I use these serch engines:

Google: or

Mozilla Fire Fox:




Each of these have their own uses and they are all used by a large number of the population and also by creative multimedia production teams and communities.

Google is the biggest with a large amount of web services that assist web development process.
One of these would be google maps which other sites use in their website. Other sites may want to show the lication of their premices and how to get there so they will add google maps to their own site.

Mozilla Fire Fox is ste up for the web developer and other media professionals as they specialize in web development tools such as debuggers and relative design views. The debuggers help with the recognising of errors in codeing laungage such as JS for example. It also has great plugins such as fire bug for example. (Nice bit of kit) I think there is a small learning curve but it you could be shown a little bit of do a few tutorials.

Safari is also good to check your developed your sites on as they have a significant portion of market share of search engine viewers. Also a lot of the people in the development and creative multimedia and programming industry use apple computers so it would look poor if your site does not work well in safari.

Bing is also a good general searchine but I am finding it hard to optimized my blog in the engine at the minute.

Opera is current popular so personally I would do a check on that too.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Adobe Illustrator

Creating Illustrations for the Creative Multimedia and Web Programming Community.

This is a subject very close to my heart. If you like working or studying in this area you will understand just how addictive it can be.

I created this blog to share my some of the knoledge that I have aquired to date.

Here are some of the things I found myself doing:



Once you get the hang of that tricky pen tool it is quite n easy package to learn after that. Illustrator is the best multimedia tool to create images from scratch for the production of artwork, web site images, flash images and lots of other uses. Illustrator can turn your newly created images in to jpegs, pdf's for example and they it also let you save your images as png files.

PNG files are very useful when you want to overlap images in Photoshop as you can choose a colour to be transparent. This saves the artist time on masking, selecting, deleting or cropping.

Great overall tool!