
Creative Multimedia programming
Emerging Web Technologies
K00143624 Keith McGrath
S.E.O Practical (Search Engine Optimization)
for the term “Creative Multimedia Programming”
May 2013

Well I First set my blog up on Blogger:http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g

I then set a large amount of time researching the best practices that I could use to get the most amount of traffic through my blog. A number of options were returned to me.


The easiest one for me to implement was “Original Content”. I know that if I was to copy and paste content that is not mine and is on the web somewhere else that the search bots would pick that up and disregard my blog. This is a huge no no for S.E.O.

I set about writing information about the course I am on but I soon realized that that might appeal to enough people. How could I bring more interest on my information.

Adding images and video to the blog will add to the value of content that google sees when its bots review your blog. So what I did was to add a couple of images to each page of my blog. I thought that if I only added two to each page that googles bots might see that as a nice need blog and rate it a little bit higher on its listings.

I have been meaning to add videos but I am reviewing the best way to do this. Do I embed the video of link them from youtube? I will check this later.

Keep as many of the titles in your blog related to the subject that your blog is about. Bots search the titles of the blog with more juice that normal typed content. I tried to stick to this rule where possible.

If it was a website there would be a number of other issues to be dealt with such as:
  1. Making sure that the website code is clean. (there is no need for this on a blog as it format by blogger)
  2. The site has to load fast. I am wary of this for a blog too so I am trying to put in as little content as possible but still put in enough content that will attract passing traffic on to my blog and to impress the bots enough that the will like my blog and put it high up the google search list.
  3. No broken bits of corrupt files in the blog. This is self explanatory but it is curtail for the optimization.
Links to and From the Site

Well my thinking at this point is to add links on to my site that most people could use. What does everybody use? GOOGLE. My next trick was to come up with a reason that I needed google on my site. Well....its my favorite search engine. Next step was to name as many search engines that I could think of and put links to them on my site so the entire list of search engines became part of my blog.
Huge Success!
No sooner had I done this one simple trick and I could already find myself on page 3 of google once I searched the term “Creative Multimedia Programming”.

Poaching Specific Traffic

Now for my next trick.....
Who uses the terms “Creative”, “Multimedia” or “Programming”?

Back to my researching. I googled these individually and I sieved through the first few pages of results for each of the terms and I was able to focus my attention to the results.

Creative top responses were too general and varied and un specific to the project so I grouped Creative Multimedia together and I found a much more focused market for my self.
Obviously the audience I would now be trying to attract with this term had the same interest as The course I was doing. So, How could I optimize this?

Popular Tools used in the CMP Community

Well the most popular creative multimedia packages are Photoshop and Illustrator. I needed to do a big spread on these then. Hey lets expand this and do the entire Adobe suite. So that is what I did!
To get the most fully optimized page on this I linked this page to Adobe and the Photoshop community. I knew these would be big links that any google bots would recognize and trust so I was on to a winner again.

My page was third from the top of page 3 after this.

Google Optimization Tools

Google has a number of tools that can help someone optimize their own site or blog. These will help the site get more recognition by the search engine

Site Map My Blog

This procedure just makes it easier for a search engines to index my blog. This was again an not intuitive but with a little assistance (Thank you John) I did this in google web tools. Webtools in google automatically sets up a site map but to let it know that you want to use that one you enter /sitemap.xml at the end of the blog address. Easy as that when you know how.

I struggled with this on big webtools. (John was not beside me at the time)

Social Media

I good way of getting more optimization for a blog is to link to as much social media as possible. The idea behind this is that your blog can get link juice from the bigger community. The bots searching your blog will then detect that your blog is linked to that community so your blog will be higher up search engines list than say a blog that is not linked to social networks.

I linked to my g-mail account and my hotmail account.

These turned out to a great move for me as googles mail system is g-mail so that got google to recognize the google link and of course google trusts itself so that worked well. Another advantage of this link is that it was very easy to do. (Nice one)

The hotmail link was also a great link for two reasons:
  1. It is microsoft and that is a huge community and again it is a very trusted source of link juice.
  2. This assisted me with the bing search engine

SEO Web Tools

I have found a number of SEO toolkits that are all claiming to be free and all claiming to be the best SO toolkit for the job. I do not have time to test all of these so I will pick one and work with that.

I found too many to list but here are a few:

The tool I wanted to use is Microsoft SEO Toolkit do I set about it straight away.

Microsoft SEO Toolkit
(how nice, a free download)

From my research it turns out that Microsoft make a SEO tool kit. I went to download this kit but it is for windows only. Guess what I am using. Yes, you guessed it, I am using a Mac. Well I will get back to this at a later stage.

I came back to this nearer the hand-up time and I was afraid that if I changed too much at this time that my search engine position on the list would be effected. I was on the top of page 2 so I decided to leave it alone. I hope I do not regret this decision later.


Now, how am I getting on in another search engine? I decided to try bing.

HUH…….nowhere……why not?
I could not even find myself up to page 20 so I gave up looking. I am disappointed as I thought that if I was visible on google that I would be just as visible on the other search engines. Back to the drawing board here.
More research on this was needed and I quickly found out that bing has its own webmaster tools that needs to be set up just like google.

I set up my webmaster tools on bing.

This seemed a lot harder for me to get my head around. I kept getting to the page where it said to verify my ownership. To do this I had to embed the following HTML code on to my site:
You can add a <meta> tag containing the authentication code to the <head> section of your default webpage.
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="5600B0FD131238B8CD8191D5C89454B5" />
An example:
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="5600B0FD131238B8CD8191D5C89454B5" />
<title>Your SEO optimized title</title>
page contents

I could not do this as I had a blog and I no control over the coding of it. I tried a few times but I could never figure it out.
The other issue I had with bing was the site map. I could never get this up and running either. I tried just putting /sitemap.xml at the end of the blog address but this did not work for me either. I will come back to this at a later stage.
So far I can only find myself on bing if I actually put in the blog link…..
I did that a few times and I opened up the blog. My thinking on this is that if bing had been at the site a number of times its bots might just remember it. Well it was worth a try as I really struggled to set up the webmaster tools on bing.It was just no intuitive at all.
Finally I remembered that a good link will assist with the optimization I must link to communities so I tried linking to hotmail.
I did not notice any change after doing this so all I could do is wait.

Bing Session 2

1 month later and just before hand-up I have checked my blog on bing. I have updated it a few times since my last search on bing…..yehaw ……. I am forth on page 2. I have a strong suspicion that by linking to my hotmail account that it has a lot to do with this big jump as bing and hotmail have strong microsoft roots.
I must admit it that other than my hotmail link I am not too sure how this has happened at this stage as I have not done much in bing to optimize my blog as I have been concentrating to get it high up on google and until I checked it today I had never been higher than page 3 on google. Its up to page 1 now….

Other Methods

Have my own Hosting or Domain.

I can use this method for this exercise as the brief was to use an already established blog site and a list was given. I am using blogger and I will not be changing it for now.

Linking my other blogs

I have two other blog’s on blogger and I made sure these were all linked to the blog. That might add a bit of traffic to the site. One of these blog’s had a small bit of traffic but when I linked it but this blog quickly passed it out.


I reviewed the blog again to see if there was any other changes that I could incorporate in to the blog or tidy it up a bit but as I was the forth search on page 1 of google (The top 2 being the LIT course Creative Multimedia Programming and the third being Emer Murphy from the class) and I was on page 2 on bing where I had been no where up to now I decided to leave everything just as it was. I am very happy with that!

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